Sunday, February 1, 2009

Material Fact: Plaster Bandages


If you are using plaster bandages for any project, you must know that it dries really really FAST! I am talking about within 3 minutes type of fast. That is a good thing and a bad thing.

The good thing about it is that you do not have to wait long for it to dry. As for the bad thing about it drying that fast is if you wish to add more layers on top of your project, then do so in a fast pace. When it dries, you CANNOT add anymore layers afterwards.

So, for smooth results, gentlely by rapidly rub the tiny squares. If you are doing a mask, DO NOT APPLY ON THE FACE! Instead, use a stryofoam head (if it is straight) for your volenteer. They are great supporters. For easy removal, add plastic wrap on the face part so it can easily be removed and so you can use it for yourself.

This is total good news what I am about to tell you. If by any chance you have any rough spots on your project from not making the tiny squares smooth, you CAN sand it with sandpaper. However, YOU MUST GENTLY RUB IT!

Trust me, you will be amazed!

One more thing, unless you like really expensive plumbing bills, DO NOT POUR DOWN THE DRAIN!!!!!!!

This is just a friendly little tip about a particular type of art material if you ever wanted to know about plaster bandages.

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